Education and Certifications:

BA Musical Theatre, Marymount Manhattan College

NASM CPT National Academy of Sports Medicine-Certified Personal Trainer

FRCms Functional Range Conditioning Mobility & Joint Specialist

R-YT Registered Yoga Teacher

SFG Strong First Girya Kettlebell Instructor

Peri-Natal Certified

Gelsey Kirkland Academy of Classical Ballet, Joffrey Ballet School

About Me

I wasn’t always strong.

I wasn’t an athlete growing up—hated sports, ran the wrong way in 2-hand touch family football games, and was consistently the last one picked for every team in school.

I did start seriously dancing when I was 16. But I was never as good as the girls who had been at the barre their whole lives (they were frickin’ amazing—still are), and when I skipped the line to the professional level because of my singing and acting, I couldn’t come close to what the other dancers could do.

Fast forward through 10 years of following confusing online programs, putzing around with friends at the gym, taking random group classes, and working with trainers hoping something would finally click...

I deadlift 350lbs, 2.23x my bodyweight. I bench over 200lbs, squat 250lbs. With the kettlebell, I pistol squat 40kg, pull-up with 44kg strapped to my waist, and press 28kg.

More importantly, I’ve ended years of chronic pain. You can read about that journey here.

This stuff is hard. It’s hard for everyone, in different ways. But it’s especially difficult for those of us who felt we didn’t have a place in the gym (and by extension, our bodies), because being strong and lifting weights wasn’t *for us.*

I’m here to help you move past that noise. I’m here to help you build that list of shit you can do now that you’re really proud of; it wasn’t handed to you, and no one asked you to do it, but you did it because you wanted to, and even though every time you tried a new skill it was hard and it sucked, you went through and you DID it anyway.

I’m here to help you one day write, “I wasn’t always strong, but now...”

I began my physical training in musical theatre dance and classical ballet at Logrea Academy, and while in college studied at the Joffrey Ballet School and Gelsey Kirkland Academy, training directly under Gelsey Kirkland.
Later, I received my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training at Earth Yoga NYC with Yanti Amos, and did auxiliary training at Laughing Lotus with Dana Flynn and Kenny Frisby.
My mobility training started with Functional Range Conditioning, where I received a Mobility Specialist Certification in joint function, pain reduction, and range of motion.
My initial strength training education was with National Academy of Sports Medicine and my advanced strength education was with Strong First, where I am a kettlebell specialist. Strong First is regarded as one of the most difficult certifications to receive in the industry, and I graduated with honors.

I have worked with the physical therapists at Spear Physical Therapy, Memorial Sloan Kettering Center, and G5 Sports Performance in NYC, helping to pre-habilitate patients prior to surgery, and rehabilitate post-injury and surgery.

The work I do is an amalgamation of all of these disciplines (yoga, dance, physical therapy, strength training, mobility, sports performance) tailored to the individual needs of each student.