Chronic pain and acute injuries are the norm for you.
So whatever you’ve been doing isn’t working. Physical therapy never seems to be enough. Injections, acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments help—but only for a moment.
What you need is a holistic education focused on you, and how you’re feeling in this very moment.
Five years of persistent shoulder pain, and nothing helped for more than a couple weeks. Not until Marissa found herself working with me on zoom.
“Maybe this is just the way it is for me now. You know, at my age, you have to accept that things are just not going to work like they used to.”
—Ron, 58, chronic shoulder pain for 5 years
When you’re present with your body, you know something’s off. So you’re constantly running away from that mindfulness. But when you do that, you’re continually putting your body in a position that causes pain. You’re continuing to groove the same neural pathways again and again: move this way, ouch. Stay immobile, disconnect, and maybe I can just ignore the pain.
Let’s change that narrative.
Pedagogically sound instruction is likely missing from your rehab experience.
It starts with the basics of what muscle does what, and when. The proprioceptive training doesn’t stop until you can feel what needs to be felt and execute your program with precision at an appropriate level of effort.
You will find yourself in positions that are pain free, and finally moving with a strength you didn’t think you’d ever find again.
When appropriate, SKT partners with physical therapy offices. We will help you prepare for surgery, rehab after injuries, and bridge the gap between therapy and getting back into the gym for a full exercise program.
Read more about my work with pain: